Progress This Week | Tech Discussion

This week we had a lot to get done so to get started on being able to do things like take damage and have beings to fight classes and systems had to be made. This is what has been implemented in our new build this week on the technical side of things that help the player experience. All of this was made in Unreal Engine 4 version 4.27.2 for reference.

-created character attributes class 

                   - this is for both the players and enemies to have health and other stats attached to them

-currently developing a target lock-on system 

                 - we are using the camera as the basis for this to have the camera create a radius  to continually face the enemy

-created an enemy class 

-created health bar for player UI

                   - created via Blueprints to facilitate information to the player

-created the main menu to start and quit the game

                  - created via Blueprints to move between levels

                  - This uses the on-event system that is native to Unreal 4

Author: Owens Nicolas

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